
  1. What is it and what types exist
  2. Tips for beginners and the main criteria for choosing exercises
  3. Online classes for lifting cheekbones and lips
  4. Rating of the best books with exercises for the forehead and skin around the eyes
  5. Summarizing the above

Face fitness: ranking of the best techniques for 2025

Face fitness: ranking of the best techniques for 2025

The system of exercises for mimic muscles, which has become fashionable, is designed to make the face more toned and capable of replacing surgical intervention. For 2025, many techniques have appeared that are responsible for working out a specific muscle group, which makes users get lost in the flow of information. How to navigate the diversity and choose the appropriate technique without making a mistake, we will consider in this review.

What is it and what types exist

The complex is based on a series of exercises designed to strengthen the tone of the facial muscles, preventing them from sliding down. And since the action is carried out with the help of hands and special devices, the system also has a therapeutic effect, improving blood circulation. For 2025, it is customary to single out 5 main areas of face fitness:

  1. gouache massage - carried out using a special tool - roller or scraper similar to a wooden plate, based on natural materials, jade or quartz;
  2. technique with cans - carried out using special vacuum containers of small diameter;
  3. myostimulating massage - combines vibration with electrical stimulation, which is created by a device designed for this;
  4. kinesio taping - involves the use of a special elastic patch, aimed at reducing the tension of the facial muscles.
  5. manual - when hands are actively used to complete the complex. Better known as face yoga or face building. Its varieties are also referred to;
  • buccal - when the impact on the muscles is carried out through the oral cavity;
  • myofascial - involves a load not on the muscle structure, but on the sheath of connective tissue itself;
  • lymphatic drainage - removes stagnation of blood fluid, removing puffiness and swelling.

Despite the fact that many of these practices take place within the walls of a beauty salon, some of them can be done by yourself at home.

Advantages and disadvantages of the system

  1. Job mobility. This set of exercises does not require a strictly defined place, everything can be done where it is more convenient.
  2. Natural youthfulness of the skin. During the procedure, they do not resort to artificial or invasive effects, a small introduction to the anatomy is enough.
  3. The study of muscle structure. This stage allows not only to get acquainted in detail with the subcutaneous component of your face, but also to learn how to manage it.

However, in addition to the significant advantages of this system, do not forget about the possible disadvantages.

  1. Lack of skills. It is desirable to have at least basic knowledge about what you want to do. It would not be superfluous to get acquainted with the accompanying literature or a video lesson on the nature of the facial muscles.
  2. There is no individual lesson plan. Almost all methods that have appeared by 2025 have only a generalized view of the problem. They do not take into account age, lifestyle or the nuances of the skin.
  3. Lack of comprehensive regulations. Having discovered face-fitness for yourself, you should not neglect proper nutrition, good rest and basic cosmetic care.
  4. There is no clear system for preparing a person for the procedure. Before you start doing this or that exercise, it is worth remembering things like pre-moisturizing, as well as post-face fitness care. Various oils or creams in this case are only welcome. It is worth remembering gloves or clean hands, in the absence of the first.

There are also contraindications for this procedure:

  • inflammatory processes;
  • rosacea;
  • skin diseases;
  • thermal burn;
  • a course of anticoagulants - drugs that affect blood clotting.

Restraint should be shown to owners of very sensitive skin.

Tips for beginners and the main criteria for choosing exercises

  1. When choosing online courses, first of all, pay attention to the person who teaches them. Since you have to spend more than one minute in the company of this person, first of all, you yourself should be pleased with the appearance, style and manner of presenting information.
  2. In an effort to achieve a super effect, you should not engage in self-torture. If a very strict diet is introduced, which is not at all for you, you can always find something else for yourself.
  3. Don't expect a miracle. Although this is sad, it will not have an immediate effect. As a rule, visible results appear within a week. But even in this case, you should not rely on one face - fitness.
  4. Having high hopes when searching for optimal exercise courses for yourself, based only on the name and popularity of the author, is a bad decision.
  5. Although at the moment there are a lot of different training systems on the network, you should not force unpretentious exercises. It is better to start with a simple one and only then move on to more complex techniques.
  6. Starting face fitness is not bad at any period of life, but it is still advisable to do it at the age of 25, when there are no pronounced facial wrinkles yet. In the later stages, the exercises will only help hide the signs of aging, allowing you to look a little more neat. Nevertheless, whenever classes on the chosen program begin, in order to obtain a tangible effect, everything must be done on an ongoing basis.
  7. The actions themselves are best done in front of a mirror.

Online classes for lifting cheekbones and lips

Japanese Facial Gymnastics by Yukuko Tonaka

We all often pay attention to the fact that most Japanese beauties look fresher, despite their true age. Such statistics are easily explained not only by the genetic predisposition of the nation, but also by intensive oriental methods. This system is based on the Japanese folk practice Asahi (Zogan), improved and structured by the famous cosmetologist and stylist Yukuko Tanaka. A series of exercises was created based on the structure of the face and the basics of acupuncture. A moderate compression of the temples, activating the lymph flow, thereby provides blood flow to improve skin tone. Dimensional translational movements allow you to eliminate wrinkles in the corners of the mouth and straighten the nasolabial folds.

Japanese Facial Gymnastics by Yukuko Tonaka
  • Effective system, the result is noticeable almost immediately;
  • insert with exercises specifically for the cheeks;
  • good translation, clear and understandable;
  • helps to relax after a working day;
  • no extra words and digressions.
  • It is not specified with which oil or cream the procedure is performed;
  • in older women, the effect is less noticeable;
  • there is no individual approach.

Face - fitness for the face with Y. Kovaleva

A fascinating video lesson will make it easy to master that part of face fitness that will get rid of nasolabial folds. The video opens an instructive story about the features of the facial muscles of this area, as well as the factors that affect the formation of wrinkles. This makes it not easy to automatically perform the exercises shown, but also to gain primary knowledge about what to do. This makes these actions more efficient and safer.

Face - fitness for the face with Y. Kovaleva
  • Suitable for beginners;
  • the very nature of the appearance of folds is revealed;
  • nice girl, there is no desire to immediately switch the channel;
  • the tone was noticeably restored;
  • the skin became more elastic;
  • good lip exercises;
  • no self-promotion for half the class.
  • Lots of theory.

G. Dubinina: 3 ways from nasolabial folds

The author of the technique herself talks in detail about simple, but effective techniques designed to minimize annoying wrinkles in one of the most visible facial areas, which are the main first signs of aging. This is the main thing you should pay attention to, since these folds are very insidious and will easily give out the true age of the owner. The above exercises are the beginning of a full-fledged course "Gymnastics for the face", created for those who are just starting classes. This system will make you feel attractive again and give you confidence.

G. Dubinina: 3 ways from nasolabial folds
  • Pleasant coach;
  • the clarity of the story;
  • simple actions;
  • easy to do;
  • all comments on the topic.
  • Some terms are not clear.

Rating of the best books with exercises for the forehead and skin around the eyes

C. Maggio New aerobics for facial muscles

The creator of this set of classes is a specialist in the field of aesthetic medicine, she is already familiar from her first work of the same name. A publication that gained particular popularity, competing with the surgical alternative and making Carol one of the world's famous authors in this field. The published book is an improved and supplemented program. The described exercises do not require much time, no more than 8 minutes a couple of times a day is enough, and a positive result will become apparent after 6 days.

C. Maggio New aerobics for facial muscles
  • Accessible presentation;
  • exercises are easy to perform;
  • there are accompanying practices not only for the eyes;
  • specific vision of the problem;
  • fast tightening effect;
  • the presence of a video course;
  • many helpful tips.
  • There are incomprehensible moments;
  • discourse off topic.

Fedotova E.A. Face fitness at your pace

The author of this technique, a certified face-fitness trainer, talks in an accessible form about overcoming age-related problems. How to remove bruises under the eyes, eliminate puffiness that has not appeared in time, and make the look wide open and the skin tightened in just a few minutes. Classes do not require huge efforts and can easily find a place in the schedule of even the busiest woman. The information provided is easy to digest, the author publishes a number of reviews:

  • from a doctor of plastic medicine;
  • osteopath;
  • nutritionist;
  • even an endocrinologist.

The book also contains the necessary recommendations on how, without wasting time, to stay on top and love yourself.

Fedotova E.A. Face fitness at your pace
  • Good, large font;
  • perceived easily;
  • does not require a lot of time;
  • clear photos;
  • available supply.
  • Lots of outside information.

Rossoshinskaya A. How to get rid of wrinkles

The unique face-fitness system has already gained a lot of positive feedback. The technique developed by the author will allow you to feel young and confident again, get rid of the notorious mesh around the eyes and not only. This manual allows you to approach the problem in a completely different way. The author teaches extremely carefully, using only a point effect, to tighten and practically renew skin tone. The course focuses on the development of facial sensitivity, coupled with particularly delicate exercises, taking into account the micro-movements of the muscles themselves.The technique will help eliminate the most difficult clamps, straighten deep wrinkles and properly relax each muscle.

Rossoshinskaya A. How to get rid of wrinkles
  • There are useful tips;
  • interesting format;
  • there are pages for self-control;
  • easily accessible text;
  • nice font;
  • bright illustrations;
  • enough attention is paid to the study of muscles;
  • information about concomitant factors;
  • simple exercises.
  • Takes time to read.

Karkukli E.A. Cupping self-massage

The best-selling book Cupping Self-Massage: An Instant Lifting Effect. Faceday - will be the best solution for ladies who are dissatisfied with their appearance and who want to stop age-related changes. The creator of this technique, a recognized expert in the field of face fitness, in an accessible form talks about how to achieve the desired result according to the technique developed by her with the help of cupping self-massage.

Karkukli E.A. Cupping self-massage
  • The author is a pleasant woman;
  • convenient supply of material;
  • large font;
  • book quality;
  • fast lifting effect;
  • everything is explained very clearly;
  • details about the structure of the face;
  • available on the Internet;
  • easy actions.
  • A big digression about myself.

Rossoshinskaya A. Express getting rid of the second chin

This technique will help in a fairly short time to deal with the hated sagging. On the pages of the book, the author, a practicing face-fitness trainer, a rehabilitation specialist and a certified osteopath, will tell you how to get rid of a nasty double chin without damaging the skin. At the same time, without resorting to debilitating diets and without changing the usual rhythm of life.

Rossoshinsky A.Express double chin removal
  • Quick result;
  • gentle practices;
  • available format;
  • does not require much time;
  • good book design
  • large font;
  • is available in electronic form.
  • Few illustrations;
  • for beginners, the practice is not entirely clear;
  • long intro.

Hoefler H. FaceFitness

Presents his technique of 50 exercises that will get rid of wrinkles, sagging cheeks and a double chin. The book is based on the theory that the condition of the skin, first of all, needs to be improved from the inside. Each stage of the work described in this collection is distinguished by its simplicity of execution and will be available for ladies of any age. Particular attention is paid to the study of each area, including lips and cheeks. And although face-fitness itself does not guarantee a miracle, classes will give the face a fresh and pleasant look, activate muscle tone and make the process of skin renewal more intense.

Hoefler X FaceFitness
  • Quality edition;
  • clear description;
  • details about the structure and how a certain facial muscle works;
  • clear illustrations;
  • explanation for each lesson;
  • does not take much time
  • can be read in the online library.
  • Small font.

Karkukli E.A. faceday

The series of exercises presented in this publication is designed to help the fair sex maintain health and slow down the aging process. Basic training for the facial muscles will help tighten a sagging chin, reanimate the “youth angle”, as well as soften and smooth out nasolabial and frown lines.

Karkukli E.A. faceday
  • Classes do not require a lot of time;
  • these practices are easy to perform;
  • many illustrations;
  • an interesting approach to sculptural self-massage;
  • good advice;
  • visible result;
  • helps relax;
  • pages for self-control;
  • relevant for beginners;
  • gift option.
  • Not detected.

Summarizing the above

Despite the increased number of different face fitness trainers offering their services, users still trust the advice of those who have stood the test of time more. Which, in turn, affects the authors themselves, forcing them to master new formats and improve their own methods. Complementing them with interesting practices aimed at working out a specific muscle group. So by 2025, a series of exercises appeared, designed not only for the fairer sex, but also courses specifically for men. And most of the practices can now be found not only in book, but also in online format, which greatly simplifies the interaction of the creator and trainer with their followers. Despite this, when choosing the necessary technique, it is worth considering individual characteristics and only then decide which of the above practices will take its rightful place in your diary.

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