
  1. Herpes: causes, symptoms, consequences
  2. Rating of the most effective remedies for herpes on the lips
  3. How to use ointments and creams correctly
  4. Prevention of herpes on the lips at home
What is the best treatment for herpes in 2025

What is the best treatment for herpes in 2025

Almost every one of us has encountered a “cold” on the lips. The cause of such an aesthetic inconvenience is the herpes virus, the carriers of which are considered to be 90% of people. The form of an external rash is not the worst of where the disease can manifest itself. Therefore, having noticed the first symptoms of the virus, you should immediately begin to fight it, and what is the best way to treat herpes, we will tell in this article.

Herpes: causes, symptoms, consequences

Almost 100% carriage of the virus among the world's population is a consequence of the fact that the pathogen belongs to the class of DNA viruses, and therefore, once it enters the body, it cannot be completely cured, but will be in hibernation mode. And it will manifest itself only if the immune system fails.

You can get such an unpleasant virus into the body in different ways and at different life stages. However, a significant part of the population is faced with herpes in childhood.

Chickenpox, familiar to many, is nothing more than herpes obtained from the pathogen Varicella Zoster.

Methods of infection

  1. Airborne - even a banal sneezing of a groupmate in a kindergarten can cause herpes to appear in another child, so it is important to teach children to cover their mouths when coughing or sneezing;
  2. Household way - personal items, hygiene of an infected person also act as a source of infection;
  3. Sexually - through unprotected sexual contact with an infected partner;
  4. Transplantation - during organ transplantation;
  5. During blood transfusion.

That is, it is almost impossible not to become the owner of the virus, but far from everyone the virus manifests itself in more complex forms than the usual “cold” on the lips. People suffering from severe herpes - no more than 20%.

Causes of the manifestation of herpes

The main factor in the development of herpes is a decrease in immunity.

And the weakening of protective functions, in turn, forms a list of secondary causes that provoke herpetic manifestations. These include:

  • Diabetes mellitus in the complication stage;
  • The transition of chronic diseases of various organs and systems to the acute stage;
  • Violation of body heat transfer, regular hypothermia or overheating of the body;
  • Being in a state of constant stress;
  • Infectious diseases that suppress the immune system.

In addition, herpes can manifest itself as a result of taking a number of medications, for example, glucocorticoid hormones.

Types and symptoms of herpes

Medicine knows not only the viral nature of the disease, but also 8 types of manifestation of the virus, 3 of which are often manifested:

  • The first type results in a cold on the lips;
  • The second - covers the reproductive system;
  • The third provokes chickenpox and shingles.

Herpes can also appear atypically: without rashes, with tingling all over the body and in the perineum, with swelling. Or in a suddenly appeared pulling pain in the lower abdomen, radiculitis broke out. An accurate diagnosis can only be made by a doctor.

Most often, it is possible to detect the presence of a virus with the help of tests, a referral to which can be taken from an immunologist, an infectious disease specialist or other narrow specialists. Diagnosis and subsequent treatment of the disease can be carried out by various doctors.

It is worth visiting a dermatologist for skin rashes, a gynecologist or a urologist for discomfort on the genitals, but if there are manifestations of an internal nature, then a pulmonologist, gastroenterologist and other specialists can help here.

External symptoms that the patient can recognize are manifested in several stages:

  1. In the localization zone, there is a slight tingling, itching, and sometimes soreness. As the infection develops, sensations increase, brighter pigmentation of the mucosa may appear.
  2. Inflammation starts. 1 or more blisters appear, filled with a clear liquid. Gradually, the size of the blister increases, and the contents become cloudy.
  3. Stage of ulceration, i.e.when the blister ruptures or breaks, viral fluid is exposed to the surface, causing an ulcer.
  4. Drying. Characterized by the formation of crusts, bleeding and soreness.

As for the internal manifestation of herpes, it is most often accompanied by pneumonia, esophagitis or hepatitis.

How dangerous is the virus

If we consider genital herpes, then it can cause infertility of spouses, both at the same time. An infected woman during pregnancy may not carry the fetus to term or cause infection of the embryo.

Shingles affects the nervous system. Symptoms of the disease are as follows: shooting pain in the back, lower back, ribs. Then comes weakness and is often replaced by fever. Then barely noticeable pink spots appear on the skin, after - bubbles. Then they dry up, crusts appear. Dangerous complications on the ears and eyes, deteriorating vision or hearing.

Such serious consequences are a factor in the fact that treatment must be started at the first manifestations of the disease, even if it is just a “cold” on the lips. The rating of the best remedies for the treatment of herpes will help you choose the right drug.

Important to remember! Having started therapy on your own, the decision to continue and replace it should be made only after consultation with a specialist.

More about the herpes virus, its prevention and treatment - in the video:

Rating of the most effective remedies for herpes on the lips

Some people who have suffered from herpes prefer ointment to tablets. From the point of view of doctors, the drug in this form is less toxic to the body. Even pregnant women and children most often have no contraindications. You can apply the ointment anywhere and in any position, while the tablet needs to be washed down with water.But, on the other hand, tablets give a visible effect faster.


Release form - tablets of 125, 250 and 500 mg.

Treatment with the drug is indicated for herpes zoster, especially with complications to the eyes, with herpes of the 1st and 2nd type and infections through contact or with manifestation on the lips. Reception blocks the transition of the virus to the DNA level. Helps the hearth to go into an inactive form.

It lasts 10-12 hours in the body, therefore it suppresses the herpes virus in simple types. The drug is toxic, more than 3 times 500 mg can not be taken.

In a severe form of the disease, a single dose of 750 mg is allowed during the week.

With genital herpes 250 mg for 5 days.

With relapses - 500 mg in the morning and evening for one day. The doctor will tell you more.

The drug is contraindicated for children.

The average cost of the drug: 590 rubles at a dosage of 125 mg and 850 rubles - 500 mg.

  • Gives an effect quickly.
  • Dangerous for the stomach, provokes a rash, depression of the nervous system;
  • Should not be taken by children.


The main active ingredient of the ointment is acyclovir in a 5% concentration. The drug is especially effective against the causative agent of chicken pox, as well as the herpes virus type 1-2.

With a "cold" on the lips, the ointment should be applied immediately, even before the appearance of blisters. If the onset of the disease is missed, then the agent must be updated on the infected area every 4 hours.

The cost of the product depends on the manufacturer and is on average 200 rubles per 10 grams.

  • Helps with the first manifestations of simple types of the virus;
  • Side effects are unlikely.
  • Permissible manifestation of allergic rashes with intolerance to individual components of the agent;
  • Not recommended for use during lactation and pregnancy.


At its core, this drug is a cheaper analogue of the above-described Zovirax, since the concentration of the active substance completely coincides with the expensive agent. The budget is ensured by the fact that the ointment is created in Russia.

5 grams of funds will cost an average of 50 rubles.

  • Helps with the first manifestations of the virus types 1-2;
  • Side effects are unlikely.
  • Allergic reactions are possible;
  • Not recommended for use during lactation and pregnancy.


Foreign drug produced in 2 dosage forms. The ointment is an analogue of Zovirax in its composition, where the active substance is acyclovir (concentration - 5%). Tablets that also act on the basis of acyclovir.

The antiviral agent is used in the complex therapy of 1-2 types of the virus, as well as its manifestations in the form of shingles and chicken pox.

The drug can be used as a prophylactic.

The price of the drug on average: 320 rubles - for 40 tablets at a dosage of 10 mg, 120 rubles - for a 5-gram tube of ointment.

  • Tablets can be used for prevention;
  • The range of indications of the drug in tablets is very wide.
  • It is not recommended to use the drug during pregnancy and lactation;
  • When taking tablets, manifestations of indigestion are possible; headaches;
  • The use of the ointment may be accompanied by skin itching.

Oxolinic ointment

The tool has a powerful antiviral effect. The active substance is oxolin, while the dosage required for the treatment of herpes is -3%. In pharmacies, a remedy with a 0.25% concentration is more common, which is ineffective with a similar virus.

The application is effective for manifestation on the lips and genitals.

Price category - 70-90 rubles.

Oxolinic ointment
  • Use in pediatrics and during pregnancy is allowed.
  • When applied, burning sensations are not uncommon;
  • The skin at the site of use may become pigmented for a short time, but this is not a reason to stop treatment.


The main active ingredient is hexose glycoside. The manufacturer claims the effectiveness of the drug for various types of herpes: 1-2 types or in the form of herpes zoster. However, most of the positive reviews are associated with getting rid of the manifestation of the disease on the genitals.

The price of the gel is an average of 250 rubles.

  • In addition to the gel, there are various dosage forms with a similar active ingredient;
  • Almost complete absence of contraindications.
  • Not approved for use in children under 12 years of age.


This remedy belongs to the group of immunostimulants and acts completely differently from all previous drugs. Viferon stimulates the production of antibodies to the virus, and the pathogen itself does not touch.

It is based on the recombinant interferon protein.

The drug is available in the form of an ointment, gel or suppositories. The first two forms are used for external manifestations, skin rashes. They will be applied 3-4 times a day.

Candles, which are rectal, are often prescribed to ladies for insertion into the vagina, that is, they are more often used to combat genital herpes.

The cost of the product: candles - from 250 rubles for 10 pieces, ointment - from 145 rubles for a tube, gel - from 155 rubles for a package.

  • Several dosage forms;
  • Possibility of application in pediatrics;
  • General increase in the protective functions of the body.
  • Do not use in the 1st trimester of pregnancy;
  • The effect of exposure is not immediately noticeable;
  • Rarely acts as a separate drug, more often used in combination with other active drugs.

Fenistil Pencivir

The cream, produced in a tube of 2 or 5 grams, has penciclovir at a dosage of 10 mg as an active ingredient.

Refers to antiviral drugs. Effective for herpes types 1-2, as well as chicken pox.

An effective, fast-acting remedy for the lips.

The cream is applied for 4 days with application 8 times a day.

Average price: 300 rubles for a tube of 2 grams.

Fenistil Pencivir
  • Quick effect when applied correctly.
  • Not to be used by children under 12 years of age;
  • Pregnant and lactating mothers should be used with caution.

Zinc ointment

Many use only this tool, as time-tested, although it is not antiviral. Zinc copes with wound healing in 3-5 days, killing bacteria at the same time. It can be used by adults and children from preschool age, the drug is non-toxic.

Average cost: 25-45 rubles.

Zinc ointment
  • Good drying effect;
  • Can be used by children from 3 years old.
  • It does not have a direct antiviral effect, it is used in complex therapy.

Tetracycline ointment

Refers to antibiotics that kill pathogenic bacteria. In the presence of infection is not contraindicated. According to some statements, the ointment also fights herpes. Those who used the drug for these purposes, respond positively.

The average cost is 20 rubles.

Tetracycline ointment
  • The antibiotic is effective against a large number of bacteria.
  • It does not have a direct antiviral effect, it is used in complex therapy;
  • The antibiotic should be used within 5-7 days, regardless of the course of the disease.

How to use ointments and creams correctly

Correctly applied remedy to the area affected by the virus is part of the success in the fight against the disease.

  1. First, wash your hands thoroughly, removing bacteria with hygiene products.
  2. Take a cosmetic stick or a cotton pad with the applied product, apply pointwise to a place with a rash or redness.

Throw away the used tool immediately, do not reuse.

  1. The medicine should gradually absorb into the wound itself, without additional correction.

If you need to leave the house, anoint the wound for an hour so that the product has time to be absorbed.

Before applying the product, it is necessary to check for tolerance. Apply a drop on the hand, if redness does not occur after 10-15 minutes, the product can be used as directed.

If in doubt about the drug, it is advisable to consult a dermatologist in order to avoid negative consequences.

Adhering to simple rules, positive results are achieved in the treatment of herpes.

Prevention of herpes on the lips at home

The main means of prevention are reduced to strengthening the immune system. Main measures:

  • Proper nutrition;
  • Clothing for the season;
  • Maintaining a comfortable temperature in the apartment, periodic ventilation;
  • Maintaining an active lifestyle, hardening, physical activity.

Herpes is not just a rash on the lips during a cold. It is much more dangerous, which means that it is impossible to dismiss the disease. Timely treatment is a guarantee that the virus will not go into a more serious stage. Consultation with a doctor, as well as knowledge of the best drugs for the treatment of herpes, is the key to a quick victory over the virus.

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