A lamp in an aquarium is an indispensable thing, plants and fish need to provide imitation of daylight for 10-12 hours. That is why, when choosing, it is necessary to take into account all the recommendations and select lamps based on ...
When starting an animal, a person must provide him with the proper conditions for living. One of these issues is the toilet. This article will focus on cats and trays for them. At the very…
In order for the inhabitants of the aquarium to feel comfortable, they need quality care. In addition to the necessary equipment, you should be knowledgeable about feeding. Fish food companies provide a huge selection of food. Before…
An unbalanced diet of animals leads to various kinds of health problems. To avoid this, it is important to use only high-quality diets with the optimal ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, as well as the presence of vitamins and minerals ....
Cats deserve the title of the most popular pets by right. The sectioners worked hard and brought out a lot of outlandish breeds. To date, you can meet both real giants and miniature crumbs, which, ...
The dog has long been considered an intelligent and quick-witted pet. She is brought in not only to guard the house or as a partner in games for a child. The intellectual makings of an animal, combined with innate hunting ...
It is not in vain that the well-known phrase “We are responsible for those we have tamed” sounds. This is true, because before you get the desired pet, you should carefully weigh the pros and cons. Bringing…
If you are thinking about acquiring a rodent, then the first thing you need to look after is a house for him. Our article will demonstrate the ranking of the best rodent cages for 2025 and help you choose the most convenient housing ...
The rabbit is an animal that has been intensively bred for agricultural purposes or for home keeping over the past few years. Regardless of what you decide to start it for, the first thing you need to think about is…
When purchasing a feathered pet, a prerequisite is the creation of a favorable environment for him for a comfortable existence and normal development. The consumer market has a wide variety of "houses" for various types of parrots, both for small ...