Getting sick in 2025 is an expensive pleasure, since you need to spend money on medicines in exchange for going to work. By the way, the cost of some drugs is really shocking. Most flu and cold medicines are ineffective, but if taking medicine makes you feel better, at least you shouldn't pay more for it.
The editors of the site "" have compiled for you a rating of cheap analogues of expensive medicines for flu and colds for 2025.
The principle of action of antiviral agents
A competent choice of medicine for a cold will help you recover in a short time and without side effects. Taking antiviral agents, the patient has a beneficial effect on the body in the form of:
- reducing the risk of recurrence of a chronic form of the disease, for example, asthma or bronchitis;
- reducing the duration of the course of the disease;
- minimizing the risk of developing a deterioration in the condition.
Important! Cheap drugs are recommended to be taken by adults for the purpose of prevention, when there are infected people in the immediate vicinity in order to prevent the disease.
What explains the cheapness of analogues
A common and understandable question is why the same drugs cost differently? It is logical that no one wants to overpay. If there is a drug with the same active ingredient, indications and principle of action, but much cheaper, then why not buy it?
The fact is that the cost of an expensive drug includes not only the cost of production, but also its development, and these costs are usually significant. The release of a new drug requires spending on launching it on sale and patenting, which is why the price of some drugs is so high.
Over time, it decreases slightly when the next generations of drugs are produced, but the formulations known on the market are not so expensive to produce, and therefore the price is lower. Cheap analogues also differ in that they have undergone poor purification and have many side effects.
Interesting information! Cheap analogues of expensive drugs are called generics.
TOP of the cheapest drugs against SARS and their cheap analogues
The best prevention of SARS is warm drinks, silence and local medications: vasoconstrictor drops for nasal congestion, lozenges that relieve sore throat, etc. Medicines that our compatriots are used to will cost a pretty penny, but there are also affordable analogues of these drugs.
Expert advice! If you have SARS, eat more juices, fruits and vegetables. They promote a quick recovery and strengthen the immune system.
The list of analogues of expensive drugs against SARS:
400 |
AMIKSIN | 670 | TSITOVIR | 370 |
INGAVIRIN | 570 | ARBIDOL | 500 |
TAMIFLU | 1170 | oseltamivir-akhirin | 610 |
REBETOL | 4635 | RIBAVIRIN-C3 | 300 |

Ergoferon is an antiviral drug that is used to prevent and treat influenza and SARS in children from 6 months and adults. It also treats acute intestinal infections caused by the penetration of pathogenic viral particles into the body.Clinical studies have confirmed that ergoferon is a highly effective drug, is highly safe and has no side effects. Helps support immunity. It is recommended to apply courses or from the first day of deterioration of health.
- combined with other antiviral and symptomatic agents;
- does not affect the control of the vehicle;
- convenient release form.

Rafamin is a representative of a new generation of antiviral drugs designed to treat SARS and influenza, as well as a wide range of viral and bacterial infections. A number of scientific studies confirm the ability of Rafamin to activate cellular and humoral immunity to speed up recovery and prevent various diseases caused by viruses. Released without a doctor's prescription. Does not have side effects except in cases of individual intolerance to the components of the drug.
- effective at any stage of the disease, even with delayed treatment;
- has a unique double action, against bacteria and viruses;
- prevents the development of complications during and after the disease;
- does not affect cognitive functions, does not cause drowsiness.
- not available in all pharmacies.

This drug is very popular among domestic buyers. This is a Russian remedy that has been successfully helping people to endure SARS for more than 20 years. 8 large-scale scientific studies prove the high effectiveness of Anaferon in the treatment of herpes, colds and other viral diseases.
This agent contains antibodies to interferon gamma with immunomodulatory action, which trigger an immune (antiviral) reaction within cells, and also have an antiparasitic and antiallergic effect.
The tool is available for purchase in almost all pharmacy chains in the Russian Federation.
- An effective antiviral drug that is suitable not only for adults, but also for children.
- Can be combined with other medicines.
- Proven effectiveness based on a number of large-scale studies.
- Affordable cost.
- Available in most pharmacies.
- The effect of the drug on pregnant and lactating women has not been fully investigated.

"Cycloferon" is a powerful immunomodulator that can be given to children from 4 years old. This drug is the basis of interferon, which helps the human body to resist viral infections and other reactions that occur in conjunction with influenza, SARS and herpes.
Important! The drug is prohibited for admission if the patient has a high sensitivity to the components of the drug.
In addition, Cycloferon should not be taken by people who suffer from severe forms of liver disease or intestinal upset.
The average price is 405 rubles.
- helps to cure a cold;
- works most effectively if you start taking it at the first manifestations of the disease;
- can be taken in combination with other medicines;
- strengthens the immune system.
- some patients complain of discomfort in the stomach area, which lasts for about half an hour.

This is a relatively cheap drug that contains bendazole, which is responsible for the production of interferons by the human body, as well as ascorbic acid. Available in the form of a syrup (for children), a powder for preparing a solution, as well as in capsules.
Taking medication by people who have symptoms of vascular dystonia can lead to a decrease in pressure. In addition, the medicine should not be taken with:
- reduced blood pressure;
- urolithiasis;
- ulcer and diseases of the duodenum 12;
- any form of diabetes;
- pregnancy.
The average price is 370 rubles.
- convenient to take;
- an excellent solution for the treatment and prevention of colds;
- no side effects;
- a small list of contraindications;
- high efficiency.

A medicine that is classified as non-toxic. "Arbidol" is mainly prescribed for influenza and SARS. In addition, the drug is often prescribed as an element of mixed therapy for chronic diseases of the respiratory organs.
Important! It can be taken by adults, as well as children whose age is at least 3 years.
Taking the medication can provoke side effects, the cause of which lies in the personal intolerance of the components contained in the composition of the drug.
Important! Women in position can also take Arbidol, but only on the recommendation of a specialist.
The average price is 500 rubles.
- high efficiency;
- one package is enough to complete a full course of treatment;
- no side effects, with the exception of individual intolerance.
- not included in the World Health Organization guidelines for the treatment of influenza.

This is a cold medicine that selectively inhibits the development of neuraminidase of viral infections of groups A and B.
Interesting information! Neuraminidase is a glycoprotein that catalyzes the breakdown of the terminal sialic acid compound with sugar, thus helping the viral infection to enter and multiply in the respiratory organs.
"Oseltamivir" is activated outside the cells and destroys the neuraminidase of a viral infection. In addition, it inhibits the development of a viral infection of the in vitro type and reduces the likelihood of recurrence of the disease.
The average price is 610 rubles.
- more than 80% of patients speak positively in favor of this medication, which proves its effectiveness;
- the effect of the remedy becomes noticeable after 1-2 days of application.
- most patients complain of side effects in the form of repeated vomiting and regular nausea.

This is an instant remedy that can only be taken by adults (minimum age is 18 years). Ribavirin is usually prescribed for:
- adenoviruses;
- flu
- herpes, etc.
The drug has a strong toxicity, so it should not be taken categorically for diseases of heart failure, severe forms of anemia, liver and kidneys.
Important! "Ribavirin" is forbidden to be taken by people who have had a heart attack, with autoimmune pathologies, as well as people prone to suicide.
The product is available in the form of tablets, capsules, injection solution, cream for external use, as well as in the form of a solution for inhalation.
The average price is 300 rubles.
- high quality of raw materials used;
- high efficiency.
- an impressive list of side effects and contraindications.
TOP 3 anti-flu remedies and their cheap counterparts
The severity of the flu lies in the fact that among people with weak immunity, it can provoke the occurrence of dangerous complications. It is possible to cure the flu with the help of medications.
The list of analogues of expensive anti-flu drugs:
RELENZA | 1150 | REMANTADIN | 70 |
LIFFERON | 1 260 | ALTEVIR | 1100 |
TERAFLU | 400 | RINICOLD | 140 |

This medicine has been produced since the times of the Soviet Union and is highly popular among virologists. The effect of this medication covers most different viral infections, including swine flu.
Important! The remedy, according to doctors, is allowed to be taken by everyone, including children whose age is more than a year.
"Remantadine" has many advantages, but there are also side effects, expressed in dry mouth, dizziness and general malaise. Some patients complain of nausea, heart problems and increased irritability, but the percentage of such adverse reactions is small. One way or another, before buying this medication, be sure to consult a doctor. This remedy should be taken at the initial stage of the development of the disease.
The average price is 70 rubles.
- high efficiency;
- convenient to take;
- released without a prescription;
- instant action.
- difficult to find in implementation;
- may cause drowsiness, therefore not recommended for drivers.

This is an interferon preparation, which is important for human immunity. The composition of "Altevir" contains components that have an antiviral effect.The key component of the drug is recombinant interferon alfa-2b. This element reduces the activity of disease processes and inhibits the further development of viral infections.
Under the influence of interferon, the immune system is activated at the cellular level, which leads to an increase in the activity of phagocytes and T-cells. The presence of this component in the human body reduces the period of tumor formation. That is why this drug is often prescribed in the treatment of cancer and viral diseases.
The average price is 1,100 rubles.
- used to treat viral hepatitis C and B;
- high efficiency.

This is a medical device used to treat severe forms of viral and dangerous respiratory diseases, accompanied by the following symptoms:
- nasal congestion;
- pain in the joints;
- headache;
- fever.
In accordance with the instructions, the drug is taken at the initial stage of the onset of the disease, which significantly speeds up the healing process and reduces the period of the treatment course. The tool is classified as a category of drugs that affect the human respiratory system. This is a hybrid medicine for the treatment of severe respiratory diseases. The medicine affects the human body as:
- antipyretic;
- painkiller;
- vasoconstrictor;
- anti-allergic.
Due to these qualities, as well as due to the influence on the centers of the National Assembly, the symptoms of colds disappear very quickly.
The average price is 140 rubles.
- effective composition;
- acts as an antipyretic;
- helps with a runny nose;
- relieves headache;
- high efficiency.
- inconvenient to take due to the size of the tablets.
TOP 5 cough medicines and their cheap analogues
Cough, as a rule, is provoked by inflammation of the respiratory organs or streaks of mucus from the nasal cavity. There are 2 types of cough medicines:
- Antitussives.
- Mucolytic.
Each of the varieties contains expensive products and affordable analogues.
The list of analogues of expensive cough medicines:
FLUDITECH | 460 | FLUIFORT | 375 |
LASOLVAN | 390 | AMBROXOL | 25 |

This is an amino acid that protects the human body from the consequences of oxidative overvoltage:
- Bad mood;
- inflammation;
- infectious diseases;
- insomnia, etc.
The drug is sold in the form of effervescent tablets, in packages for the preparation of a solution, in the form of a syrup or powder for oral administration.
Interesting information! "Acetylcysteine" is available in pharmacies.
Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant and detoxifying compound that is produced by the human body. This antioxidant is valuable for the normal functioning of the brain, lungs and liver. The human body produces glutathione on its own with the help of cysteine (an amino acid), but its levels are reduced when a person is sick. The experience of scientists demonstrates that taking cysteine as a supplement (the same acetylcysteine) increases the level of glutathione in body tissues and the brain.
This drug dissolves mucus, particularly in the lungs and respiratory organs, so it is common as a mucolytic drug that relieves coughs.
The average price is 230 rubles.
- increases the level of glutathione;
- removes mucus;
- changes the level of glutamate in the body;
- increases mental abilities;
- acts as an antioxidant.

1 sachet of this drug contains 2.7 g of carbocysteine lysine salt monohydrate - the active ingredient responsible for the effectiveness of the drug.
Important! Adults need to take only 1 sachet per day, before dissolving it in 0.5 cups of water.
The medicine is sold in the form of granules and syrup. The granules have a light cream color, have a specific citrus aroma and are designed for the preparation of a suspension. They are available in sachets of 5 mg. The instructions for the drug indicate the likely adverse reactions that are typical for carbocysteine and its lysine salt, but nothing is said about this in the patient reviews. The tool is generally well tolerated.
Important! Adverse reactions occur infrequently, are of an intermediate nature and disappear on their own as the dosage is reduced or the intake is discontinued.
The average price is 375 rubles.
- convenient to take;
- no side effects;
- delicious.

The drug belongs to the category of mucolytic drugs and is prescribed as an expectorant medicine for diseases that affect the respiratory tract. "Arbidol" activates the function of the respiratory system and expresses a clear secretolytic and expectorant effect.
The drug activates the appearance of low viscosity sputum, as a result of transformations in the structure of sputum mucopolysaccharides, and also increases the production of glycoproteins, which leads to a mucokinetic effect.
The average price is 25 rubles.
- high efficiency in the treatment of pathologies of the respiratory tract;
- improves the functioning of bronchial cilia;
- effectively relieves unpleasant symptoms of the disease;
- improves the body's immune system.
- not suitable for the treatment of dry cough.
Sage bronchoactive

Essential oil and sage extract, as well as plantain extract, chlorophyll, marshmallow extract and vitamins of group C - in combination have a positive effect on the condition of the upper respiratory organs and throat, providing a relieving, expectorant, healing and antiphlogistic effect.
In diseases of the upper respiratory organs, taking sage extract greatly simplifies breathing and swallowing, and also relieves spasms in the throat. This is facilitated by essential oils, which form an inhalation effect, as well as the presence in the composition of a unique antioxidant - vitamin C, which activates the functioning of phagocytes that destroy microbes and viral infections.
The average price is 100 rubles.
Sage bronchoactive
- environmentally friendly composition;
- pleasant taste of herbs;
- effectively treats sore throat;
- is most effective if you start taking it at the initial stage of the development of the disease.
doctor theiss

This is a cough syrup, which is classified as a cough suppressant and antiphlogistic drug. The product is sold in dark glass bottles. The volume of the bottle can vary from 100 to 250 ml. The drug has a viscous structure, brown in color, and pleasant in taste.
The active element of this syrup, in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, is plantain extract. Its effect is based on expectorant action.In addition, plantain improves the patient's condition and suppresses the unpleasant symptoms of a cold (itching and sore throat, cough, etc.).
This syrup with psyllium extract is designed to dissolve formed sputum and quickly remove it from the human body. Additional ingredients include sugar beet syrup, peppermint essential oil, water, potassium sorbate, honey, and glucose.
Important! The medicine does not contain ethyl alcohol, so it can be given even to babies.
The average price is 275 rubles.
doctor theiss
- removes mucus from the body;
- brings the onset of recovery closer;
- used at any stage of cough development (dry, wet);
- it is allowed to give to children whose age is not less than a year;
- delicious.
TOP 3 remedies for the common cold and their cheap counterparts
Nasal congestion is of 2 types:
It is necessary to choose a drug depending on the disease, so you need to consult a ENT in order to determine the source of the common cold. Nasal congestion can be treated with vasoconstrictors. They are equally great at coping with a runny nose, regardless of cost and name.
The list of analogues of expensive drugs against nasal congestion:
OTRIVIN | 175 | XYLENE | 30 |
PHYSIOMER | 480 | AQUASOL | 90 |

In this drug, the active ingredient is naphazoline. In addition, Naphthyzinum contains the following additional components:
- boric acid;
- purified water.
Important! The preparation for children contains 0.5 mg of the active ingredient, and for adults - 0.1 mg.
Naphthyzin is a colorless solution that is available in glass bottles of 5 and 10 ml. The drug can also be sold in dropper bottles of 10, 15 and 20 ml.
The average price is 25 rubles.
- quickly treats a runny nose;
- has a lasting effect;
- long shelf life;
- absence of edema.
- provokes serious addiction;
- dries up the mucous membrane.

Drops from the common cold are made in exclusive dark-colored glass dropper bottles or from polymers. The drug has a vasoconstrictive effect. The active substance is classified as alpha-agonists, therefore, when it enters the human body through the nose, it narrows the lumen of the vessels in the mucous membrane, thereby reducing hyperemia and swelling in rhinitis or congestion. With a runny nose, the medication simplifies breathing and reduces the manifestation of secretions. The effective effect of the drug is observed 3-5 minutes after administration and lasts about 8-10 hours.
The average price is 30 rubles.
- effect duration up to 10 hours;
- begins to act after 5 minutes;
- high efficiency.

The ECO-safe isotonic composition of sea water moisturizes the nasal mucosa, thins thick mucus and facilitates the removal of stagnant secretions. Dexpanthenol, which is contained in the preparation, increases the moisturizing effect and prevents the mucosa from drying out. In addition, it increases local protection against the negative influence of the external environment and maintains physical condition.
Important! Aquasol is an excellent choice for everyday use.
The average price is 90 rubles.
- environmentally friendly composition;
- the presence of ectoine and hyarulonka in the composition;
- has an anti-allergic and antiviral effect;
- helps to bring oneself back to normal after acute respiratory infections;
- has a moisturizing effect.
- stings slightly;
- hard to find for sale.
Folk remedies as a replacement for expensive medicines
Traditional medicine helps to overcome colds and flu. Consider the most popular ways to deal with colds:
- A familiar way to get rid of viral diseases is to eat more onions and garlic.
- Pepper vodka helps to warm up the body, improve blood circulation and improve well-being. You can buy pepper vodka or cook it yourself by adding a pinch of black pepper to 50 ml of classic vodka. Peppercorns should be drunk 50 grams three times a day.
- Chicken broth is a light food that helps you stay hydrated and also boosts your immune system.
- Vitamin C - foods rich in this healing vitamin help relieve fever and improve the body's immune forces. These include lemons, oranges, grapefruits, rose hips and sea buckthorn.
- Tea - from raspberry or currant jam, brewed on linden and elderberry, ginger.
- Honey - on its basis, you can prepare various drugs, add it to tea, milk, or just eat 1 tsp. 4 times a day.
- Horseradish with honey is a “nuclear” mixture that will quickly restore the body's defenses. Horseradish is crushed in a blender and poured with water. The resulting slurry is insisted for half an hour, and then the juice is squeezed out of it. Horseradish juice in a ratio of 1: 1 is mixed with honey and drunk 1 tbsp. l. twice a day.
Pros and cons of cheap drugs

The cheap analogues presented in this article can fully become an alternative to expensive drugs, but they have their own pros and cons. Let's consider them in more detail.
Benefits of generics:
- availability, which is obvious;
- the same therapeutic effect in comparison with expensive drugs, since the composition is usually the same;
- rare cases of forgery.
Disadvantages of generics:
- production on obsolete equipment with cheap excipients is possible;
- sometimes require a longer intake than the original expensive drugs;
- less convenient to take.
If the doctor has prescribed a specific drug and assures you that it is necessary to take only it, and not an analogue, do not change the drug. It is possible that in addition to the key active ingredient, additional ones are also important, which in the analogue may be incompatible with other medicines used, which will lead to adverse reactions.
Attention! Before using medications, consult your doctor.